The Salty Souls Experience: surf retreats create by women, for women

She is Canadian, she is a surf lover, a yoga teacher and also an inspiring instagrammer. Erika Drolet travelled the world before creating The Salty Souls Experience in 2015, women-only surf and yoga retreats based in South America and Bali.

Erika is with us today to talk about the beginnings of The Salty Souls Experience and how she is running this innovative business.


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The exciting beginnings of The Salty Souls

Few years ago, Erika quitted her job and deciding to go travelling. That year, she met Marie-Christine Amyot in 3 different places in the world. Few months later, they landed at the same time in El Salvador, arrived at the same time at the same beach.

The combination of these funny circumstances caused the two friends to start talking about The Salty Souls, and the project was born. They wanted to find a way-won to keep living on the beach and Erika wanted a real crew of girls who wanted to get wet! They started the experience in El Salvador, the first destination of the business. Two years later, they opened Ecuador as a destination.

The Salty Souls house
Erika Drolet

The strong and fun girls team

“We comes as a package now!”, she said laughing. The Salty Souls is composed of a real girls family. Erika grew up around boys but she was craving to having a crew girls and do with them what the boys do. Even if it’s challenging sometimes due to a lot of ups and downs, this strong team is a real strength to keep going the retreats they offer and a good reminder of their values.

Founders team

The challenge of setting up a business in an unknown country

“There is this idea that we can just go somewhere start a business and use a beach and just working. When you find yourself in these little beach towns, locals are pretty protective of their beach, their waves, environment.”

As Erika said, they had this idea to create a sort of “mobile” retreat at the beginning and set up the business in multiples places. But to create a good and sustainable experience, the immersion in the culture of the place is really important to have a connection with the locals.

“You come to a place with your ideas and strategy, but then you realize it is important to really bond with the locals and be able to listen their ways.”

Take time and invest some of energy into developing a relationship with locals is also an opportunity to create added-value because that will make the experience richer and the locals will be happy to contribute to the project.

Yoga session

The importance of being constantly in people's minds

Between the time that people book their trips and the time they actually come, there is time and people will probably go seing others surfcamps and seing cheaper offers for example.

“When you buy a tee-shirt, it can be very impulsive. But when you buy a retreat at $2,000, it’s not a overnight decision, it takes a while.”

What create the success of The Salty Souls is that the guests keep hearing and seing the Salty Souls everywhere: it could be friends that came back to a Salty Souls retreat, someone on the street wearing a Salty Souls shirt, seing new posts of the company on social media.

“We are big on social media for sure; Instagram is one of the most use tools.”

Social media definitively give a company much more credibility. The number of people that follow a company is a community and that is what people trust. From the beginning, The Salty Souls understood that concept and hire a photographer for every retreat to be able to get a good quality content for social media and also to showcase what the retreats really look like.

Photo 6.jpg

Covid-19 and the future of The Salty Souls…

Like many companies all over the world, The Salty Souls is on a hold and waiting for better times to come.

In 2018, Erika and her crew launched The Salty Club. This online version of the Salty Souls retreats has set 2 objectives: offer the guests who came to a retreat to keep evolving and stay connected and it also gives the opportunity to people who are enable to come to the retreat to experience The Salty Souls at home. It gives access to surf inspired workouts, yoga sessions, interviews, masterclasses, healthy recipes and nutrition guides and so on.

“No better time to add offer at-home retreats so it’s growing, become even more popular, right now it’s our main focus!”

Want to learn more about this business? Go listen our podcast with Erika Drolet!

To follow this business on Instagram: @thesaltysouls and


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Podcast and interview by Solene

Addictive traveler who gives a voice to the entrepreneurs who inspire us in the surfing world, Solene is collaborating with Surfpreneurs Club as an intern.


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Transcription (automatic, sorry for typos)

[00:00:00] Solene: [00:00:00] Hey, Hey, I'm Solene and you're listening to surfpreneurs podcast. Today. I'm welcoming Eric hydraulic Canadian, who traveled the world before creating the Saudi sales experience. In 2015, the Saudi sales experience. It's a woman only surfing you get retreats, Beijing, South America and Valley. In this episode, we're going to talk about the beginnings of the innovative business and how she's running it.

[00:00:25] Hi, Erica, we'll come to the surface, but guest 

[00:00:28] Erika: [00:00:28] ICLs. 

[00:00:30] Solene: [00:00:30] Um, so Erica yourself over your yoga teacher, uh, from the Southeast South experience and an unsparing inspiring Instagrammer, you created this business on a whim with one girlfriend. Can you tell us a bit more about the funny beginnings of the Saturday cells?

[00:00:47] Erika: [00:00:47] Yeah, of course. So, um, I've not see my business partner working in Montreal. Like in the days we were both serving burgers and beers in a, in a restaurant downtown. [00:01:00] And, um, it's funny because we were not like. Very close at that time because, or, and I would keep like working a little bit and then leave and work.

[00:01:12] And so, um, we had already like a similar life lifestyle of working just to make enough money to be able to travel. So we were not often there at the same time, but, uh, we already knew that like we were born into surfing and into traveling and, uh, were the two girls that were the most time at the restaurant.

[00:01:33] And, um, So later on, I quit that job and starting traveling and that year, um, I saw medicine in three different places in the world, outside of Quebec. So we decided to enter in Asia that year. And then just a few months later, we landed in El Salvador. And the very same time she was coming from LA, I was [00:02:00] flying from Montreal and we just like arrive at the same time.

[00:02:03] And we're going to the same beach and she's like, Oh, I'll do you ever ride? I'm like, no, she's like, well come with us. And which was really strange. That would be me that we'd met at that, at that time again. And a few months later, I was called to go, um, ELP on a, on a, on a commercial for a bikini brand from which MC was already an ambassador.

[00:02:25] So she would be like the star of that. Commercial or that little video. So, um, I went on that trip and that was the third time that year that we were kind of finding ourself in the same place. And that is when we started speaking about what would become salty souls. Um, So she was like super into surfing.

[00:02:48] I was really deep into yoga and we were both desiring to find a way one to keep living on the beach side of things. Uh, we, we didn't have a [00:03:00] desire to. I have to come back to Montreal to work again, or like waitress. So like, we need to find a way to make this lifestyle more sustainable. And we also added the desire of creating the kind of experience we wish we would have encountered kind of trips that we were craving, um, and would, although people would know women to get a taste of so many different experiences within a days.

[00:03:27] And find also a community or a crew of girls that wanted to, uh, get wet basically. So this is how it started. And. Another funny thing, is that not like, so we started the experience in El Salvador. That was our furthest nation. Uh, and let's just remember that we spoke about this for the first time in a quarter.

[00:03:52] Uh, but two years later we opened a quarter as a destination and the house [00:04:00] in which we operate now is right in front of the little, like, uh how's in which we. We spoke about what would become salty sauce, but at the time, like we had no idea that this house was even there, but when two years later we ended up in that house and I was like, MC look at this at this place.

[00:04:19] This is exactly where we had our first conversation. And it's funny that nowhere, you know, down the line where we're, they're facing that palapa, uh, and so much as happened. And actually we've created that project that we just discussed around, like if you cook or nuts. So this is how it kind of all started.

[00:04:38] Wow. 

[00:04:39] Solene: [00:04:39] Okay. Sounds like incredible. And in wages, did you focus on a, on wound in your retreats? What is, what does it give them more than a mixed gender surfing retreat? 

[00:04:53] Erika: [00:04:53] Um, so being only surrounded by women, create a space where you can really drug the gun [00:05:00] and be yourself. Uh, there's definitely a different kind of energy when we are around men or when we are around the opposite gender.

[00:05:08] Um, there is whether we want it or not. There's more of a desire to please and do charm and to do things right when you're just with women there's differently. Different vibe and it's more relaxed and yeah, and also it isn't a per TV for the girls to find a Gill crew. And I think this is so important of, I grew up being kind of like one of the boys and I was craving this connection with a bunch of other women that were adventurous.

[00:05:44] And that's what we want it to be offering as well. So that space for the girls to find other chicks that are not afraid to get their hair wet. 

[00:05:54] Solene: [00:05:54] Okay. Yeah. Create like a really strong community. Um, Uh, maybe [00:06:00] stronger down, uh, if, uh, it was, um, boys and 

[00:06:03] Erika: [00:06:03] girls, like, yeah. And like, don't get me wrong. Like we love the boys.

[00:06:07] And, uh, like the, the local surf coaches we do who we work are boys. So it's like, not all the staff is women, but everyone that lives inside the house or women. And, uh, they're just like, it just, it just very different than. It gives more space to do, to cry, to scream, to laugh more, a 10th degree that when there is like this male energy that is around, uh, and get, can be a little bit more intimidating for the girls, especially when you find yourself in the learning space of being in your bikini and being kind of like very exposed in many ways and very vulnerable.

[00:06:49] So at least when you're just with the girls, It's it's you can relax a little bit in that space. 

[00:06:56] Solene: [00:06:56] Yeah. Okay. And yeah. So you have, [00:07:00] um, you, there is surf coach, um, made a self coach, but 

[00:07:05] Erika: [00:07:05] basically, you know, 

[00:07:07] Solene: [00:07:07] your team is comfortable with the 

[00:07:10] Erika: [00:07:10] only girl 

[00:07:11] Solene: [00:07:11] except the surf coach, right? 

[00:07:13] Erika: [00:07:13] Yeah. So the, the main coach is a woman, but the boys, they help us in the water to like push the girls into the weight.

[00:07:22] Solene: [00:07:22] Okay. Yeah. And how is it just coworking with only girls? Okay. 

[00:07:28] Erika: [00:07:28] Yeah. Well, those girls are, are my everything, so yeah, no, I think that we are 

[00:07:34] Solene: [00:07:34] often 

[00:07:35] Erika: [00:07:35] seen being together and, um, eh, the have become such a big part of my life. Uh, I think that we kind of come as a package now, like this, all the souls are here. Um, And yeah, like I said earlier, I grew up being one of the boys, but I, what I really was craving [00:08:00] was this having a strong group of women to do what the boys do.

[00:08:06] Mmm. Now I feel like I have it. Um, and working just with women, I'm not going to lie. Like sometimes it is challenging because we are. Very emotional beings. So we're all going through our own like stories and ups and downs and board stories, obviously that create ripples inside the house sometimes, but more over, um, this Gill crew with whom I'm working with is something I've been looking for for a long time.

[00:08:41] And, um, Grateful that we were able to create it and we leave is what gave us the strength to keep going. And it is also a very good reminder of why we do what we do, a for what we offer, but also for the crew we've created for yourself. And, [00:09:00] uh, there is definitely no girls. That like nobody that understand my reality as much as those girls do, because they are my they're part of my everyday life.

[00:09:12] You know, we basically live together like most of the year. So, um, it became something, so yeah, exactly. They're they're like, Oh my, my sister is basically, and somewhere my sister younger sister is, and my oldest sister is, and it's an, it's an interesting dynamic because. They're my really good friends and also my, my roommates, but they're also part of my team and kind of like, you know, they were my employees.

[00:09:38] So it's, there's a lot of in the, in the mix. And sometimes it is the challenging part is being able to, uh, separate those concepts in a little bit. Like when are we friends? And when are we having like a business or like employee to employer? Conversation. And when am I going to, you know, [00:10:00] going to be telling you, you your shit and talking about work and when are we going to be just like sisters and talking about the boys and you know, so that is definitely part of the challenge of adding too.

[00:10:10] I have like a Milky layer relationship with those girls. Uh, but I love them very much. 

[00:10:20] Solene: [00:10:20] Cool. Um, so take it there. Yeah. You have decided to be based in El Salvador in Salvador. Sorry. Uh, Bali. So, um, it's developing countries with many financial and social obstacles. Um, so how did you connect with the locals and how important did you feel easy to emerge yourself?

[00:10:43] Um, in the country's culture, uh, when you started your business. 

[00:10:50] Erika: [00:10:50] Well, I think it's a necessity and, uh, definitely something that we didn't understand from the get go. Although MC that I had been living in a [00:11:00] quarter for quite a bit before we started this, had, uh, you know, a stronger idea around that. And she insisted on that as well.

[00:11:10] A lot in the beginnings. Um, There is this idea that we can just go somewhere and start a business and use their beach and, and just be like, Oh, but we're gonna give them work. But this is not exactly how it unfolds. Like when we, you find yourself in those tiny little beach towns, uh, locals tend to be pretty protective of their, of their beach and of their wave and of their little environment.

[00:11:38] And the reason why is that like, basically, that's how they have. You know, and this is how it has been explained to me once by our local is like, you have the report. Like that person told me you have the opportunity to go and, and travel here and there and surf in all the waves and all the places if you own.

[00:11:55] But I don't like this wave and this beach and this little village is all I have [00:12:00] and I'm predictive of it. I was like, Oh shit. Yeah, I get it. Um, so it's. At first, we had this idea that we would create like that our surf camp would be, or our experiences would be way more mobile. Like, yeah, we're going to do like two in El Salvador, and then we're going to do like the Canary islands.

[00:12:23] And then we might go to Morocco. And what about then we do Spain and, you know, we had like all those places and ideas of where we wanted to go. And then after renting a few in El Salvador and started to really immerse ourselves in their culture, they're getting to know the people. We realized that like, to create a very good experience in a sustainable one.

[00:12:44] And to be able to really bring this, this local vibe and, uh, element, you need to stay long enough in a place and really get to create connections with people. Um, [00:13:00] Because, if not, well, they're going to kick you out basically. And yeah, you cannot just like, if you come and you do one retreat and you leave, it's going to be like, it's come and go.

[00:13:14] Right. But if you want to create we're there we run. Uh, so let's say in El Salvador, in one season we run nine retreats. Um, so were there like for many months and. Um, bringing various groups. So it became, we just realized how important it is to really bond with the locals and be able to like listen to like their ways a little bit as well.

[00:13:39] Like we come with our mentality and our strategy, and then they're like noticing that how we work here. And you're like, okay, like, we'll work as you guys want to work because this is, this is your well, and it's so important to be aware of that and respectful. Uh, yeah, because if you're not, they're going to let you know.

[00:14:02] [00:14:00] Solene: [00:14:02] Yeah. Yeah. I think it's even better to be in one place. Um, and because you basically live, uh, here for a six, three T receiver six or nine, sorry, nine retreats in a row. So you're leaving with the locals for a. So if you were moving, like I'm in different country, maybe you didn't you yeah. You didn't have this connection to, to create this connection with the, with the locals.

[00:14:34] Erika: [00:14:34] No, exactly. And it's, you have to take the time and invest yeah. Some of your energy into the, into developing that relationship. And that will only make your experience richer. Afterwards because they will be happy to contribute in their own ways. 

[00:14:53] Solene: [00:14:53] Yeah. Okay. Um, so you're doing these retreats [00:15:00] since 2015. Um, is there a magic recipe, 

[00:15:05] Erika: [00:15:05] uh, 

[00:15:06] Solene: [00:15:06] for a successful surfing, you get retreats?

[00:15:09] Uh, something indispensable skills to be applied every day, 

[00:15:14] Erika: [00:15:14] um, 

[00:15:14] Solene: [00:15:14] to. To be a good entrepreneur. 

[00:15:20] Erika: [00:15:20] Um, 

[00:15:22] Solene: [00:15:22] what is the magic? 

[00:15:23] Erika: [00:15:23] I think that the wave is in and it's helped do the magic. Um, when they get this, this moment of when the girls finally gets you serve their, you know, glide their first wave and like the magic unfolds in that moment.

[00:15:37] But moreover, you know, it's interesting because when we first started. I was. So I had a little bit of anxiety around the fact that we really gonna change people's life. Are they going to be satisfied with the experience? Are they going to think that it was really worth their money? Uh, or are they going to take away something from that and come home thinking it was the best [00:16:00] surfing and yoga experience they had or the best they've ever had?

[00:16:03] Like, uh, are we going to be able to earn that status and. Yeah, back in the days I was working with a coach and she told me, she's like, Erica, don't be so anxious about how you're going to change your life and how, what is that one moment that you're going to impact them? And you know, that one magical moment, because in fact that little magical moment will be so different for every people that come and for some girls, the moment that like they apply and they book this trip, Is there a magic moment.

[00:16:38] This is the moment where like, things are started to shift. And for other people, it's like the moment they hop on the plane by themselves for the first time, this is their magical moments. Some are, are, the girls are like, of course, like most of them, they are having a high, uh, Wendy catched, her first wave and they're like, woo cheer.

[00:16:55] And they loved their arm and they cannot believe they're surfing for the first time. And that's their moment. [00:17:00] And people they'll have like their little breakthrough. On their yoga mat and, you know, a practice like without being able to explain it, their heart will just pop open and they will start crying on their bath and something will be released.

[00:17:12] And that will be their ma their moment. And utter is it's like around the meals where everyone is laughing so hard and we're rejoicing in such good, fresh food. And, uh, in, you know, magnificent. Ocean front house and like these snap out of the moment for a second. And they're like, wow, this is my moment.

[00:17:33] This is my magic. So I don't think there's so much, there's not so much as an element of success as it is of like the whole, and it is important to leave. No, like to do you oversee all those different aspects and be conscious that like, It's in the surf and it's in the yoga and it's in the food and is in the connection.

[00:17:56] It is in the, the beauty of the house. It isn't [00:18:00] all of those aspects that the magic is found. And it all 

[00:18:05] Solene: [00:18:05] depends on. And, and this is a wool experience with, uh, we, they created obesity, they created their own experience. 

[00:18:15] Erika: [00:18:15] Exactly. And like, it's the whole that makes the magic, you know, it's the sum of all the parts.

[00:18:21] They're like, that'd be leave at the end of the week. And they're like, Whoa, like no details was left random. You know, everything was just Epic. And, and yet there was space for the unimaginable to happen and it was placed for, for Deon predicted to happen within this plan that we've created. 

[00:18:46] Solene: [00:18:46] Okay. Um, okay.

[00:18:50] Um, so I'll tell you different topics, um, today. Yeah. The position of the surf guns games. Uh, it's getting hard because there [00:19:00] is a lot more self than, um, five years ago. Um, what tool do you use to bring these women, uh, in, from all over the world? And do you believe in the power of word of mouth? Um, that creator, uh, cause you're yeah, the woman who did the retreats.

[00:19:20] Um, I think there, they were very, uh, very happy, happy about this, uh, retreats. And then in the moment they created their, uh, could be a powerful or to, to, to, um, to have more guests, uh, all over the year. 

[00:19:39] Erika: [00:19:39] Yeah, absolutely word to mouth will always be a very good tool. And every deals that come back from the experience, uh, empowered and excited with little like stars or waves in their eyes, they become our best ambassadors in a way, and they come home and maybe they tell one [00:20:00] person, or maybe they tell five and that creates.

[00:20:03] Ripples. Right. Um, so word of mouth is great and it's kind of like exponential in a way, because the more kids you knew, the more people come, the more they speak about it. And then you've got like an army of, of hooky of epi or a satisfied customer that keep in speaking about it. And, and that's like part of the tool because then they will mention the name.

[00:20:26] There'll be like, yeah, I did like the salty sauce experience. It was great. And maybe the name at that moment, we'll just kind of like. Clients a seed into someone else's mind, and then they will follow you on Instagram. And then it would kind of like grow in their mind a little bit. And then they'll hear another person speak about it or they'll see it not, or they'll get an opportunity to go on a trip and then they'll think about you.

[00:20:50] Um, so too, that's the thing like when you buy a t-shirts. I'd say, so those are going to be [00:21:00] very impulsive and you're just like, Oh, I just really feel like something new. And I'm just going to go online. I'm Bart going to buy this $50 shirts and yeah. And sometimes you look at the shirt for weeks and, but sometimes you just kind of buy when you buy a three of that, like Indiana, like what your flight ticket and all of this will end up costing you around $3,000.

[00:21:19] It's not necessarily, it's not like just an overnight. A decision. So it takes a while, right? Like you'd be between the time where people hear about your surf camp and the time the book and become there's time and there's time to go and see the other camps and what are the competitors. And although this one is a little bit cheaper and like, not on that, but I think it's, it's impressive that like what creates our success is that.

[00:21:46] I think we're coming at them from various angle. And then they keep hearing and seeing salty souls here and there and everywhere. And they're like, my God, I keep seeing about this, this company, it must, it must be made for me. [00:22:00] And then at some point they decide to book, but it might take years and some girls tell us, they're like, I've heard about you for the first time, like two years ago.

[00:22:09] And then you keep, you kept coming back into my attention. Whether from social media Witter from like a size sticker somewhere, or I started as girl in the studio was wearing a salty soul shirt or this other, you know, my cousin's best friend came back from a trip where you and she was so enlightened. Um, so it's a little bit of all of that.

[00:22:30] So how to distinguish yourself, I guess that is, we are big on social media, for sure. Like Instagram is one of our most used tool. And it's been working really well for us. And, and, you know, to kind of like circle back to your question, when you said, like, there is more camps now and there's bigger competition, there is, but I'm not too afraid with the new camps because we've been there for five years and, uh, we definitely [00:23:00] have gathered a strong community.

[00:23:02] A lot of people that are speaking positively about the experience and there's, there's momentum. There's there's. You know, a bigger history and then someone that starts now and doesn't have this experience and doesn't have this community that is there to back them up. So I'm very confident in what we're we're offering and, uh, well, we know how to do it now.

[00:23:24] And I think that like it being transmitted to our communication and that that's what is attractive for people.  

[00:23:36] Solene: [00:23:36] yeah. Yeah. You have, um, more experienced than the, the surf camp who I'm just, we're just creating it and, uh, yeah, that's true. Yeah. They can, um, you pray to the as well, um, uh, bags, um, t-shirts et cetera.

[00:23:53] So it could be a more in people's mind down. Um, the other businesses, things too, [00:24:00] that you think, um, 

[00:24:02] Erika: [00:24:02] Yeah, absolutely.

[00:24:07] Solene: [00:24:07] Um, so you and my kitchen, um, your, the other co-funder, uh, are very, uh, has you said, uh, very, uh, uh, active on social networks. Um, so is it your main, uh, does it keep your, your business competitive or do you have something else to have it? Uh, um, To yeah. To just, um, uh, be competitive. 

[00:24:38] Erika: [00:24:38] Um, yeah. So I'd say that social media is definitely our biggest tool and we've learned to Ornish it, um, long time ago already.

[00:24:48] We were kind of, you know, now, as you said, there's many out there, but we, when we started, we. We gain a good popularity relatively quickly [00:25:00] because we were there from the beginnings or we were in the beginning of social media in a way. Um, and it does keep us competitive. And I think that like, beyond that, uh, I don't know how you feel about that, but like I, when I want to book.

[00:25:20] At a place now, or it might be even a restaurant and hotel, a trip, whatever. I will always look at their Instagram and see like having a big following. I think that it gives you, uh, some kind of credibility and you know, it doesn't really matter if you have like 15,000 or a hundred thousand or a million, but when you get on a page and you see that there's already so many people that are following.

[00:25:50] Uh, it gives you, it makes you, you, it gives you trust and confidence. You're like, Oh, okay. Like there's a bunch of other people that also trust this company. [00:26:00] Um, so I think this is one of the, the positive beyond like having a big community of people who to talk to, it gives, uh, some credibility to your company.

[00:26:11] So that's a, that's a good way. And yeah, it's always been our main tool because. I think that most of our target customers are also social media users and more over, we have a photographer on each experience. Uh, so it's part of the package. There's like a personal photographer that follows the girl during the whole week and captured their best moments and all the moments really.

[00:26:40] So we do have so much good quality content that really reflects what's going down during your retreat. So we're very happy and proud to be sharing it on social media and be able to showcase what it really looks like. And they're just like inspirational pigs from. [00:27:00] Palm trees and cooker notes that were taken from Pinterest.

[00:27:02] Like when you get, I think that like when you get on our pages on our social medias and on our website, you get a good feel of what you'll get to this retreat. And it doesn't look fair, go there's in little league soccer related that you don't even know, like if real humans go right, when you see it, when you look at our social media and you see real women, real humans and.

[00:27:27] Um, I think that's what is, is attractive for people. Yeah. 

[00:27:33] Solene: [00:27:33] Not like fake pictures or something. I like that term. I think it's very important that, uh, to have, um, uh, active Instagram account because when some, yeah, when I'm, I'm going to, uh, just to, to see an account and the last photo was posted, like, um, I don't know, one year ago or even six months ago.

[00:27:54] Hmm. Um, I'm not comfortable to book something when I know. [00:28:00] Um, it's maybe, uh, not very actual or, um, you know, like, um, you don't really know if, um, it's a stealer. Yeah. It's like they're still present or, uh, yeah, this is a

[00:28:18] Erika: [00:28:18] not locally. Like that's a, that's a fact. Sometimes it happens with restaurants, right? I'm like, Oh yeah, I'm going to go see like what's up on their Instagram and what's new for their meal. And then the, I haven't posted in a year and you're like, is this restaurant still hope? Like still open? You know? And so it is important to keep it active, to remind people that like, yeah, we're still here and we're still vibing.

[00:28:45] Come do it with us.

[00:28:50] Solene: [00:28:50] Um, okay. So, uh, we'd love to hear about your plans for the Southeast service experience for the next five years. [00:29:00] Uh, do you want to have more location for the retreats or, um, have you been thinking maybe about selling your business one day? 

[00:29:09] Erika: [00:29:09] So, well, I think that like for everyone right now, it's an interesting question to be thinking longterm, obviously with the situation of, uh, the pandemic and how it's affecting the truest, uh, tourism industry.

[00:29:26] Like I think that we can, you know, Speak about right now, without speaking about that, because it is affecting our company a lot. Um, you know, you obviously had to cancel many trips or in a year, this year as the, the, the border of both El Salvador and the quarter closed. But anyways, like all travels I've been stopped.

[00:29:49] Right. And even to this point today, we still don't know when the tourist industry will, you know, Be operating again. [00:30:00] Uh, so even though we were hopeful and we want to believe that we're going to be able to keep doing what we're doing in a similar manner, uh, treated that we don't know how when travel will start again.

[00:30:14] And when it does, uh, w how it will be possible to be. To be done. And if they will be like a period of crying, Tina, for anyone that enters a new country and like that would, you know, that would kind of like ruin our business model basically. Um, so it's hard to think about the future right now. Uh, so I would say that right now, everything is on all.

[00:30:42] Then I am absolutely unable to see what is. Is salty. So the experience is gonna look like in the next year, two years, and obviously not five years, uh, however, what we've done and, uh, [00:31:00] and, and already been working on. And now we're just working on it more is that we also have the salty club. So the salty club is at, at home version of the retreat.

[00:31:14] And we've launched assaulted club, uh, already two years ago. So in 2018, and the idea behind the salty club was to, there was two main purposes. So one was that, uh, we wanted to offer our clients and opportunity to keep growing and keep, uh, traveling or evolving with us after the experience, because. We felt like they would come and live those those eight days.

[00:31:42] And we would have such a powerful experience together and they would get a taste of so many new, uh, sports and practices. And then the, the trip would add and they would go back to wherever they're from. And it would be like, let's see, well, you know, have a good life or [00:32:00] good luck with the rest. And it was, it was sad when I know we want to keep, we want to stay connected.

[00:32:06] We want, there's still so much. We have to share what you girls. So we created the platform so they can still, uh, you know, be connected and, or. The other reason why we've created the platform. And I'm going to explain sooner at the platform, um, was that I think that a lot of people follow a salt, the salt is source and, or being, or, or feeling called by what we do and by our vibes and our, you know, mindset basically.

[00:32:41] But in. Couldn't afford coming on one over the trip, or, you know, it didn't align in their schedule or for some reason they were not able to come experience the trips, the life trips. So we wanted to offer a platform where they could join and be part of [00:33:00] it in a way. So the salty club is a online membership.

[00:33:05] And it gives you access to online yoga and meditation videos, surf inspired workouts, interviews, and masterclasses with a bunch of red woman we admire from around the world. And you also have so many, uh, healthy recipes and nutrition guides. Um, so it's really. The main four aspects of the retreat, but fall under one roof.

[00:33:35] And it's your roof, uh, and it's accessible from anywhere in the world at any given time. Uh, so the, that was, and that is the, the idea behind the club. Um, so now with, you know, this goes wild spin of events. Um, we were forced to redirect our attention to [00:34:00] the online experience, which is, which is the club.

[00:34:02] And trued being said, we're just really happy that we all really developed this platform. And there's never been a better time in history to offer an at home retreat. So, uh, the club is seeing a great growth and as become like, even more popular. So right now, that's kind of our mind. Fuck. It's like the experience, a part of things is not, you know, as in disappear, but it definitely on old.

[00:34:35] And I cannot tell you where it's going to go for the next five years. We're just hoping we can start doing it again. That's kind of just the idea right now, but we're definitely shifting. Our attention on more online experiences. So on top of the club right now, uh, we're offering, uh, kind of like training groups.

[00:34:56] So training programs, or you join it's another [00:35:00] extension of this online experience. So you join a group for six weeks where you receive a program, uh, for, for every week and we're going to get through a Facebook group. And, um, so. They're the, the gills are driving this, uh, feeling of community and of meeting new girls, but it's all digital and we're able to grow and, and sweat and get salty to get her, but wherever we are in the world.

[00:35:31] So that's kind of our main focus for now. And hopefully we can keep both of those businesses grow, uh, in parallel. 

[00:35:42] Solene: [00:35:42] Yeah. Okay. Yeah. That's actually the perfect timing for the SLT colorblind. And, um, and yeah, that's a, that's looks like this. You can almost feel the vibes of the retreats, but from your home.

[00:35:58] Erika: [00:35:58] Yes. [00:36:00] Yeah, exactly, exactly. And like when you joined the platform, it's still very tropical and there's a lot of boundaries in ways within. Our video then, uh, like food is also very colorful and tropical and, you know, inspired from the South. So you, you get a good pace of like, you know, vacations are early days, but even though you're at home.

[00:36:26] Solene: [00:36:26] Yeah, yeah. Okay. Wow. Um, perfect. So thank you very much for, uh, this episode. Um, so yeah, I hope, uh, your retreats could be, um, could, uh, uh, be done again, like really soon after this pandemic and, uh, yeah. Thank you very much for your time. 

[00:36:52] Erika: [00:36:52] It was a pleasure and I hope that you're going to come by with us 

[00:36:56] Solene: [00:36:56] too.

[00:36:58] Okay. [00:37:00] Thank you. Thank you.